Chickens in the Road is a blog I've regularly followed for probably a year now. Suzanne McMinn wrote a very inspirational post entitled
Dream and Do. The parts that are particularly motivational to me are:
"Believe–and make no mistake, believing means working. Dreaming AND doing.....There is no greater obstacle to your dreams than fear....Every day, no matter what, I wake up and tell myself I believe. And I do whatever it takes, all day. And I keep believing. I never stop believing. I am a believer...."
I think I'm going to have to read those words every day!
Anyhoo, today I got to the grocery store. Yee haw! I suppose most people don't consider it a big deal, but if you don't have a car and have to rely upon others, it IS a big deal. It's even more of a big deal if you live in a remote area, so it's not like you can just walk to the store. Unfortunately, our nearby grocery store is shutting its doors in a couple weeks. (Anybody wanna buy a store for $20,000?) The nearest store, after they close, will be 40 miles away. Not sure what I'll do then. Argh! Soooo, as you can see, I was very excited to go to the store today. Got stocked up as much as I could. Hopefully before the store closes, I can get another ride there.
Made some yummy pumpkin coconut bread the other day. I had always made the bread with chocolate chips, but I decided to dump in some shredded coconut instead. What a tasty idea! Even my son liked it, and he doesn't care for coconut.
I've been making a bunch of Christmas stockings the past couple days. A couple of them have turned out really nice. I think I'll sell those. Gotta set up my Etsy shop. Oh boy, do they have a lot of FAQs, rules, and terms of service to read, but I figure since so many talented artisans use Etsy, it must be a good place to "set up shop." And now we come full circle to dreaming and doing! I hope to make most, if not all, of my living doing crafts.