Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cottage Charm Giveaway

Well, looky here, Tracy is having a giveaway - lol!

Warning: it's not prim so those of you who are horrified at such a thought, please look away. In fact, what are you still doing here!?!

Having discovered the Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway, I was so excited to see such lovelies that it inspired me to make some of my own and enter the giveaway bonanza. (The button banner for this huge event is located on my sidebar, so you can easily check back to see if more blogs have been added to the event. Or why not join yourself if you have something to offer in the cottage charm genre).

So, to introduce my newest blog Screaming Sardine, I'm having a giveaway in honor of that event. I had to put up this other blog in order to upload my first audio interview, which is Rebecca of Gather Ye Roses. I've also read that those who are uber serious about bloggign (which I have become) need to purchase their own domain and get a Word Press blog. Welllll...I did both, or so I thought. I purchased the domain, but dang it all, I don't think it's fully a WordPress blog. It acts like it in many ways, but it doesn't have the bells and whistles that I'm used to. Bummer...but at least it lets me add meta tags.

Anyhoo, for those of you who follow more than one of my blogs, I'm going to do an update a day for what I've posted on my various blogs, so you only have to check one blog. If something catches your eye, you can go right to that blog, instead of clicking on them all blindly to see what's new.

Okay, to the giveaway. I'm offering a few different items, the biggest being a decoupaged paper mache box:

Deadline: May 28th at 10 PM Central time.

Please go to the Screaming Sardine giveaway post and comment if you want to enter.


  1. Wow what a great give away ! Happy Mothers day! Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my give away and for blogging about it as well so very thoughtful of you! Congrats on the expansion and venturing out , YOU GO GIRL! Im just beginning and the thought of all that excitement is just kinda scary SO IM GIVING YOU A GREAT BIG ATTA GIRL~!!!:0) Enjoy your evening ! hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  2. I would love to be entered in your give away! Sorry I have been away so long. It's still a little sad round here. But thanks for your emails. They cheered me up. :)


  3. What a darling giveaway goodie! I'd love to be entered and I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  4. I have a Wordpress blog...there are 2 different ones that you can have. A blog or a blog...I have the .com which is a free one, but to have all the bells and whistles I would need to purchase the .org one. I do have my domain name registered, but it is at the site that host my website and not at Wordpress. However, I do hope to get a blog soon and will transfer my domain name to there. I like how you can have your blog and a website together with
    Hope all of that made sense. Now I'm off to sign up for your giveaway.
